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Manor Vale House School of Music
School in Cardinia

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4 Le Souef Rd, Gembrook, VIC,3783. Gembrook. Cardinia, VIC,
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What you should know about Manor Vale House School of Music

Studios in Cardinia, Music School in Cardinia, Teacher in Cardinia, Music Studio in Cardinia

Manor Vale House School of Music has steadily established itself as a high quality, community minded piano school. Sole owner and operator Maye Fey-Gill takes pride in her work and derives great satisfaction from seeing her students enjoy the lessons and mature into talented pianists. Manor Vale House also has a Student of the Year Award for the most improved and passionate student. The school offers a relaxed studio environment with a friendly, approachable teacher. Lessons are tailored to each student according to how they learn and at their pace. Courses specialize in classical piano (AMEB exams, including 'Piano For Leisure' course), modern / contemporary and composition. Music theory is incorporated into each lesson and made fun in creative ways (particularly for younger students). The school offers private piano lessons for children through to adults and specializes in beginners. (more).

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